Saturday, 4 September 2010

Uri Geller and the Mysterious Isle


According to the Wall St Journal, Uri Geller (The world famous ex-mystic and entertainer) has purchased a mysterious Scottish Island and intends to use his magical abilities to discover the secret Egyptian treasure which was buried on the island by a Pharaoh’s daughter 3,500 years ago.

It does beg a question – if it is a secret treasure, how does Mr Geller know this? But we shall come back this later.

According to the article, Geller spent the night on the island and the reporter got a picture of Geller with camping gear posing manfully about to set off.

Strange thing though, this all happened in March according to other reports and even Geller’s own website. so I wonder why the WSJ is suddenly reporting this now?

Geller’s press release about why he bought the island is wonderful to read and for anyone with the slightest sense of normality I encourage them to read it. As a Scots history buff I can state that his ideas about Scottish history must be taken with a large mountain of salt.


For example:

"I am fascinated by the connection between the pyramids and these islands," said Geller, 62, who is currently filming in Holland and Germany his reality TV show for mentalists, The Next Uri Geller.
"The connection has been known for centuries — you can read about it in a fifteenth century manuscript called the Scotichronichon, by the Abbot of Inchcolm, Walter Bower.”

The Scotichronicon (Note correct spelling) was indeed a history of Scotland written by Incholm’s Abbot Walter Bower and although it gives a detailed account of the history of country it also runs off into flights of fantasy. It is well understood by historians that Bower must be understood in the context of his time (early 15th c) when Scotland was in a near perpetual state of war with its much larger and more powerful neighbour England.

Just 150 years before, Scotland had arisen from the Wars of Independence thanks to Wallace and Bruce and at that time there was a great need to show that Scotland had legitimate claim to nationhood as had England.

When Bruce had wrested his crown from Edward II after Bannockburn in 1314, he still had the problem of legitimacy. He could not forge a nation and begin to trade without the support of the wider community in Europe, so he turned to the UN equivalent: The Pope.

Bruce had a Treaty drawn up by his lawyers  - the Bishops – and it became known as the Declaration of Arbroath. The document proclaimed that Scotland had always been an independent nation and one of the ways to show that was to have an origins myth.

The Scots had theirs:

[Dear Pope] we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. They journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, to their home in the west where they still live today. The Britons they first drove out, the Picts they utterly destroyed, and, even though very often assailed by the Norwegians, the Danes and the English, they took possession of that home with many victories and untold efforts; and, as the historians of old time bear witness, they have held it free of all bondage ever since. In their kingdom there have reigned one hundred and thirteen kings of their own royal stock, the line unbroken a single foreigner. 

There were other additions to this myth. That Scotus, a Princess descendent of Noah, stole the Pillow of Jacob and brought it to Scotland where it was used as a coronation stone by Scots kings. The Stone was to become known as the Stone of Destiny and was taken by Edward I to London in 1290. It was placed in the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey and now resides in Edinburgh Castle.

Bower would have had no reason to either doubt this myth and even if he had, politically he would not have dared refute it. 

Geller’s website also contains this gem:

According to research published by a historical investigator named Jeff Nisbet, in the magazine Atlantis Rising, in September 2002, there are three crucial Templar sites in the UK: the village of Temple, Rosslyn Chapel and the Isle of May. This last is believed by some Arthurian scholars to be the real location of Avalon, the island where King Arthur was laid to rest and await his return as the Once and Future King.
Lines drawn between the three points cut through a pair of islands in the Firth of Forth, called Craigleith and Fidra. And lying between these is a third outcrop: Lamb Island.
What Nisbet realised is that the three islands are arranged in precisely the same crooked line that marks the layout of the Pyramids at Giza, built by the Pharoahs 4,500 years ago.
That layout famously matches the three stars known as Orion's Belt, and Nisbet discovered that anyone standing on the battlefield of Bannockburn, where Robert the Bruce defeated the English army in 1314, on the anniversary of the battle on June 24, would see the three stars (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka) rise exactly over the three islands of Craigleith, Lamb and Fidra.

Isle of May the last resting home of King Arthur? Maybe, but so is a million other places in the UK and Ireland.


As you can see, Craigleith and Fidra are not on a line drawn between Temple, Roslin and the isle of May.

As for Bruce seeing Orion’s belt over these island from Bannockburn, I can only say Bollocks. The site of the battle was below Stirling Castle, 35 miles away and completely invisible from the battle site.


Scottish history is fascinating and full of wonderful stories and mysteries. We do not need this so-called ex-psychic making crap up about it.

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